About Me

My name is Marcus Veals, and I am the Owner and Founder of INWYT T-Shirts & Apparel, LLC also known as INWYT Apparel. Born on the SouthSide of Chicago, but raised on the "EastSide," I have always had the spirit of an entrepreneur due to seeing my father own residential and commercial real estate investment properties as a child. As an adult, I never set forth the drive or strategy to pursue my own dreams and aspirations. I consistently procrastinated by making excuses, not putting in the effort, and maintaining a constant fear of what others would say or think. Therefore, I tried doing what I thought was the right thing at that time by working for others without any value or loyalty ever being shown. I’ve had many jobs throughout my career, but the most rewarding and loyal job has been helping to raise my daughter become the beautiful young lady that she is today, to which I am immensely proud of this accomplishment.

Life has a way of putting us through a series of struggles by testing our cloth and fabric to see if we can maintain and persevere. In late 2021 to early 2022, life began to strike within the same period and I became burdened and overwhelmed. Within a 5-month period, I sold my house, got a divorce after 8.5 years of marriage, struggled with stress, anxiety, and depression, while also being placed on a No Pay Status by my former employer for not receiving the Covid 19 vaccine. The No Pay status lasted for 11 months before I was terminated in December of 2022 effectively ending my 9 years of employment. After taking time to reflect, every situation that I deemed to be an obstacle began to fall off. Through therapy, my stress, anxiety, and depression significantly eased and I began to process things with more clarity. I learned that having a home, a broken marriage, and working for someone who tries to enforce policies that they did not completely follow themselves led to the conclusion that somethings in life “It’s Not What You Think.” Turmoil can add fuel to the fire to give you that spark to rise up and stand tall again or it can become the fire that will burn down all of your dreams and aspirations. INWYT Apparel came to fruition during one of the most trying times in my life. IT’S NOW MY TIME TO RISE AGAIN!!

Mission Statement

INWYT Apparel’s ultimate goal is to empower peoples’ beliefs and principles within themselves by teaching them to learn that “Thinking That What It Is, Isn’t Always What It Is,” which leads to “It’s Not What You Think.” INWYT Apparel is an original, unique, bold, in your face, and unwavering brand of creative t-shirts and apparel that help to produce an array of positivity, emotions, and thought-provoking conversation by way of words, quotes, connotations, and situations in life that often create fear or are deemed negatively in society. Our mission is to help change the defeatist and fearful way of thinking of those that are close to their brink in life by helping to create a better version of themselves after they have processed, endured, and healed from their trauma. INWYT Apparel is for people who have been enthralled into various situations in life and the many downsides that society tries to place upon us only to learn that all roads eventually lead to “It’s Not What You Think.”
